Pachaug, Hell Hollow, South

| February 27, 2012

Pachaug, Hell Hollow, South

★★★½  3.84 miles interesting loop down the pachaug trail to philips pond, then back up trail 1 road. 50:50, hikey:walkey, moderate climby in a few places. hiked with a friend and found a geocache (looked like a geocache-genius when, after fruitlessly wandering through the underbrush, just said, “heck, if i was hiding a cache, i’d […]

The Grills

| February 26, 2012

The Grills

★★★★★  3.67 miles just didn’t have the energy to research and map out a new trail today, so i revisited one of my 5-star faves. it didn’t disappoint. took a shot on a unmarked trail and wound up following the railroad tracks for a spell, but managed to loop back around to the marked trails. […]

Ryan Park

| February 23, 2012

Ryan Park

★★★  4.76 miles first time hiking with a group, this time from the westerly land trust. nice folks, but they moved a bit faster than i was used to, and with fewer stops. i keep telling myself, “this is GOOD. it’s a GOOD thing.” the hike was around a nice lake in north kingstown. 30:70, […]

Beaver River Preserve

| February 21, 2012

Beaver River Preserve

★★★★  2 miles another nature conservancy property, so well-blazed and well-maintained trails, but kind of small; barely 2 miles. but a most amazing glacial boulder pile… truly must be seen to be believed. and contrary to ken weber’s book, there is no timber bridge over the river anymore. just a few old timbers. 75:25, hikey:walkey. […]

Riverwood Preserve

| February 20, 2012

Riverwood Preserve

★★★★★  3.63 miles wonderful property, if a little weird to get on to (you walk right down someone’s driveway and through their front yard). old quarries, cellar holes, pawcatuck river views, chapman pond views… lots and lots to offer. great walk. and did it with a friend, which was something new! and fun! 50:50 hikey:walkey, […]

Narragansett Way & Flora Whitely Preserve

| February 17, 2012

Narragansett Way & Flora Whitely Preserve

★★★★  2.7 miles took an easy 2-mile stroll down narragansett way in ashaway thru part of chapman swamp. it ended at a kind of creepy deserted area by the pawcatuck. but it was too nice to go home, so i also visited a magical little preserve in ashaway. all very easy walking; 10:90 hikey:walkey, no […]