Arcadia, Breakheart/Shelter Trails

| March 14, 2012

Arcadia, Breakheart/Shelter Trails

★★★★★  6.61 miles did this hike with some friends. amazing trip; we saw wildlife (fisher cat and frogs), and the weather was glorious for mid-march. 75:25 hikey:walkey, some moderate climby, but not much. it’s nice to have a trail guide!      

Bluff Point/Haley Farm

| March 12, 2012

Bluff Point/Haley Farm

★★★★   4.58 miles i wanted to see what the route was like to get between these 2 parks. it was pretty cool; i walked along the amtrak line for a while till i got to the bridge over the tracks. haley farm is fairly small, so i did a big loop and used the bathroom […]

Arcadia, Mount Tom Trail

| March 11, 2012

Arcadia, Mount Tom Trail

★★★★½  6.59 miles this was a very good hike for me, in that it was some (for me) serious mileage, but not too strenuous. probably 30:70 hikey:walkey, with some intense climby thrown in in the middle. arcadia was full of folks today, taking advantage of the gorgeous weather. there were some great views, and some […]

Black Farm Redux

| March 10, 2012

Black Farm Redux

★★★★½  1.75 miles revisited one of my all-time favorite places with niece-let and her mom. we found a letterbox and 2 geocaches, and i got to share this wonderful property.

Parker Woodland, Foster Tract

| March 7, 2012

Parker Woodland, Foster Tract

★★★★  6.3 miles wow, another “kicked my ass” hike. 6.3 miles, and a lot of hard walking. 85:15 hikey:walkey, and lots of climby spots, and boulders, and rocks. but this such a pretty and interesting property, what with the mysterious cairns, cellar  holes, charcoal burning sites, caves, table rock… lots of things to see. and […]

Arcadia Management Area, Hemlock Ledges

| March 6, 2012

Arcadia Management Area, Hemlock Ledges

★★★   3.76 miles very different from my usual hikes in that it was very rugged, a lot of climbing. so 99:1, hikey: walkey, lotta climby. the scenery was very pretty, especially the view from the top of lookout rock. a lot of the hemlocks in the title have succumbed, or are in the process […]