auntie | March 5, 2012
★★★★½ 3.5 miles excellent hike for the most part anyway. very hikey, probably 85:15 hikey:walkey. climby not too bad. there is a lot of atv activity on both flat rock road and the quinnebaug trail, so it’s pretty eroded and rocky. not the best walking surface. but i still enjoyed the hike very much. flat […]
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Category: Connecticut, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 2–5 miles, CT, Sterling CT
auntie | March 4, 2012
★★★ 2.17 miles pretty enough place, but too small and tame for my tastes. 100% walkey, little to no climby. did, however, find 2 geocaches, so there was that.
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Category: Connecticut, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 2–5 miles, CT, New London CT
auntie | March 2, 2012
★★★★½ 2.88 miles was pressed for time today, so only able to do a brief revisit to this wonderful property. took a couple of loops i missed last time, and saw a pretty little lake, and then the amtrak train went by so close it was almost spectral… ghost train running through the woods. very […]
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Category: Connecticut, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 2–5 miles, Charlestown RI, RI