auntie | June 29, 2012
★ 4.42 miles ugh. what a miserable hike. the route i picked was all downhill going out and all uphill coming back. do the math… that’s more than 2 solid miles uphill. and it was hot, and the blackflies were thick and very annoying (some cheese with that whine?). the river was pretty, but there […]
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Category: CFPA Trails, Connecticut, Walks and Hikes |
Tags: 2–5 miles, Ashford CT, CT
auntie | June 27, 2012
★★★★½ 6.93 miles wow. so i broke 300 miles since 1 january today. not bad. this was a pretty strenuous hike, because, as i discovered, slacking off for a couple weeks really hurts, and it was pretty climby. last did this on march 11th. went with the “usual suspects” and we did it as an […]
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Category: Rhode Island, Walks and Hikes |
Tags: 5–7 miles, Exeter RI, RI
auntie | June 18, 2012
★★★ 3.28 miles didn’t want to spend the whole day hiking, so i did a quick 3-miler at the grills. it’s a different place in summer; very lush and whatever the opposite of expansive is. buggy, too, but not too bad. the worst part was that i forgot my ipod and had to walk without […]
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Category: Rhode Island, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 2–5 miles, RI, Westerly RI
auntie | June 16, 2012
★★★½ 3.87 miles did this on april 30, but this time went with a group; the SE-CT adventurers. it seemed shorter this time, but it’s still a very nice hike. it might be worth doing in the opposite direction next time, so the boring road mile isn’t at the end.
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Category: CFPA Trails, Connecticut, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 2–5 miles, CT, Voluntown CT
auntie | June 15, 2012
★★★★½ 6.78 miles wow, first time out in june… where does the time go? this was unexpectedly nice. there were some very pretty parts, and some cool old cellar holes and a waterfall, among other things. but there were some stretches that were in typical multi-use trail shape, i.e., rocky, eroded, muddy, and lumpy. mostly […]
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Category: Connecticut, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 5–7 miles, CT, Griswold CT