Yawgoog Boy Scout Reservation

| March 27, 2013

Yawgoog Boy Scout Reservation

3.68 miles  2.3 mph today was a usual suspects hike. our fearless leader got permission from the boy scout’s head office to take us on a hike around the big pond at the center of camp yawgoog, the boy scout reservation. this is normally private property, and permission is required, so i have not included […]

East Bay Bike Path, Warren to Bristol

| March 26, 2013

East Bay Bike Path, Warren to Bristol

4.5 miles   3 mph i went for lunch today with some friends in warren, and not wanting to waste a beautiful day for walking, i talked them into walking back to bristol from our restaurant. the east bay bike path is beautiful, even if it is, technically, road walking, and we had a great […]

Coogan Farm

| March 26, 2013

1 mile this was a very sedate garden club stroll through a property that the denison pequotsepos nature center is planning to buy in mystic. it was a very lovely place, and full of interesting features. and cows. there were cows. the dpnc’s plans include connecting trails on this property to their already extensive trail […]

Tippecansett Trail North

| March 24, 2013

Tippecansett Trail North

5.25 miles  2.7 mph yes, i just spent the previous post wingeing about my sore legs and my blister and my strained left knee. that does not mean i wasn’t eager to get back out and do it again. this was my first amc meet-up hike, and i had a very nice time. the leader […]

North South Trail Trek, Leg 2

| March 24, 2013

North South Trail Trek, Leg 2

13.8 miles  2.7 mph wah. this one nearly kilt me. i actually, at the 10.5 mile point, i again contemplated calling the dh to come get me. at that point i was, best as i knew, still 4 miles from the car. it was my last chance, though, as the last 4 miles was all […]

Polly Coon Bridge Update

| March 21, 2013

Polly Coon Bridge Update

quick non-hike post here… just wanted to let all my local hiker followers know that things are progressing well re: the old polly coon bridge over the pawcatuck river, which will connect the hopkinton land trust property, the grills, with the westerly land trust property, also called the grills. you can read all about the […]