baby steps

| August 23, 2013

baby steps

this is just a quick update. there has been nothing earth-shattering to report, but some baby steps. i’m still 2 weeks from the removal of my cast, but it doesn’t hurt much anymore, and in fact, i have pretty much weaned myself off of the pain pills, if you don’t count an ibuprofen before bedtime. […]

pink is the new red

| August 12, 2013

pink is the new red

at least according to my orthopedic surgeon. he also said hot pink is the favorite color choice of teenaged boys. hm. so here i am, 17 days after i first broke my ankle. (please don’t look at my roots. i am waaay overdue for a color.) dig that cast! it’s a brand new fiberglass job. […]

the big guy incident

| August 7, 2013

the big guy incident

i had to go to the font of all knowledge, wikipedia, to find out exactly what it was i have been experiencing lately: A hypnic jerk, hypnagogic jerk, sleep start, sleep twitch or night start, is an involuntary twitch which occurs during hypnagogia, just as a person is beginning to fall asleep, often causing him […]

Friends and Pickles

| August 6, 2013

Friends and Pickles

if you’re a vegetable gardener, you might think getting laid up right at the beginning of the produce season would be a problem, and hey, you would be correct! we’ve started harvesting blackberries, cukes, zucchini, yellow squash, and green beans big time here. ordinarily i would have the canning kettle going full blast by now […]

Some Things I Have Learned

| August 5, 2013

Some Things I Have Learned

so while i sit here, idly watching the hummingbirds fight for feeder space with the yellowjackets, i’ve actually been learning a few things. like there are a lot of heretofore unnoticed logistics involved in seemingly simple actions. making some toast and coffee for breakfast now requires the planning and forethought i previously reserved for overseas […]

Not Much To Report Report

| August 2, 2013

Not Much To Report Report

just a brief post to keep everyone updated on my completely uninteresting progress, ankle-wise. i’ve been home from the hospital now for 24 hours, so 5 weeks, 6 days more to go, according to the doctor. i’ve been carefully making myself get up and scoot around for about 5 minutes once an hour to keep […]