Napatree Point

| February 26, 2014

Napatree Point

3.22 miles; westerly, ri whew, it was some friggin’ cold today on the beach, with the wind whipping into my face. i very nearly decided it wasn’t worth the pain, and the snot pouring out of my nose, and the frozen fingers. but i am what some might call a bit stubborn, so i persisted. […]

Ninigret NWR

| February 24, 2014

Ninigret NWR

2.59 miles; charlestown, ri i just had to get out again, even though it was a bit colder today. the 10-day forecast has snow and/or icy mix on at least 3 upcoming days. it was windy, too, but the cross-refuge trail is fairly sheltered, so it wasn’t too bad. discovered a new fungus-like plant, too: […]

Wilcox Park

| February 23, 2014

2.14 miles; westerly, ri ugh. when i noticed that i hadn’t been out since january 17th, i just had to go. we’ve had enough melting that i was pretty sure wilcox park in westerly, ri, had to be clear, and i was right. so 3 times around is a little over 2 miles. better than […]

2014 North South Trail Trek

| February 22, 2014

2014 North South Trail Trek

Just wanted to point my 3 or 4 regular readers to the Great Swamp Press blog, where there is info on the 2014 North-South Trail Trek. I can’t make the first two legs, but I did those last year. Maybe I’ll be able to do leg 3; I’m going to register for it. See you […]