Mansfield Hollow State Park

| October 30, 2014

Mansfield Hollow State Park

7.1 miles; mansfield, ct this is one of the hikes on my to-do list, and i finally got to it. it turned into a much longer hike than i anticipated, and i’m not sure why. this was a very nice hike through both a state park and a state forest, with an interesting flood control project […]

Limerock Preserve

| October 28, 2014

1.85 miles; lincoln, ri i had to be in lincoln for personal reasons, so while i was there, i stopped in to visit the nature conservancy’s limerock preserve. i had been here once before on a rhode island wild plant society walk, but many many years ago. the main thing that stuck in my mind for […]

Erisman Woods and Babcock Ridge

| October 25, 2014

Erisman Woods and Babcock Ridge

1.3 miles; north stonington, ct the avalonia land conservancy recently acquired two properties in north stonington, one through purchase and one as an inheritance. the purchase was babcock ridge, a parcel that runs along babcock road in north stonington opposite yet another great avalonia preserve, the henne property. the inheritance was erisman woods, bequeathed to […]

Pequot Trail, Southern End

| October 24, 2014

Pequot Trail, Southern End

9 miles; ledyard, ct the connecticut forest and park association maintains 825 miles of trails in 96 towns in connecticut. i can now proudly say i’ve knocked off two of those trails for [drumroll please] about 25-3/4 miles! yay me. although, to be fair, i’ve also hiked some blue-blazed trails in other parts of the […]

Two Short Hikes, One Long Brook

| October 20, 2014

Two Short Hikes, One Long Brook

3.6 miles; hopkinton, ri today was my first monday in 6 weeks free (not counting holidays like columbus day and labor day), so i decided to celebrate by visiting two of my favorite places nearby, canonchet woods preserve and black farm. interestingly, canonchet brook runs through both of these properties, even though they’re several miles apart. […]

Mt. Monadnock, Pumpelly Trail

| October 18, 2014

Mt. Monadnock, Pumpelly Trail

4 miles; jaffrey, nh the hubs and i decided to take a little mini-vacation to celebrate a) his birthday, b) our wedding anniversary, and c) the end of my temp job. we went to keene, new hampshire, to do a hike on mount monadnock and visit the famous keene pumpkin festival. if you’ve been following […]