Browning Woods on Snowshoes

| January 31, 2015

Browning Woods on Snowshoes

3.32 miles; south kingstown, ri 3 miles of snowshoeing is a lot harder than 3 miles of hiking. i now know this from actual experience, especially since i broke trail on at least half of that distance. can’t say i enjoyed it, exactly, but i am now excited to go on shorter trails that i […]

Snowshoes 2, The Shoe-ening

| January 30, 2015

Snowshoes 2, The Shoe-ening

.87 miles; north stonington, ct so i strapped on my snowshoes and i headed out bravely… into my yard again. i thought it might be prudent to do one more circuit at home before heading out on a trail. today went much better, and i was able to get into a rhythm, which was nice. i […]

My First Snowshoe Attempt

| January 28, 2015

My First Snowshoe Attempt

.7 miles; north stonington, ct welp, the “storm of the century” didn’t really materialize, or at least us elderly veterans of the blizzard of ’78 weren’t impressed. but it was still a lot of snow compared to what we have had so far this year, and it kept me inside for a few days. that’s the […]

The Grills

| January 25, 2015

The Grills

3.37 miles; westerly, ri there is something in me that just doesn’t want to go out in the snow. just. doesn’t. want. so it’s like pulling teeth to get me out. once i’m out, it’s never as bad as i think it’s going to be, and i’m always glad i did. just hard to motivate. […]

Vin Gormley Trail

| January 21, 2015

Vin Gormley Trail

7.13 miles; charlestown, ri today was a usual suspects hike—and fidget, who i guess is now one of the usual suspects. it was a nice, if cold day, with lots of sun. we saw noone else on the whole trail. we did it as a car spot to skip the road walking, just because we could. […]

Green Fall Gorge

| January 20, 2015

Green Fall Gorge

3.7 miles; voluntown, ct this was a nice short, local hike, since, as usual, i have a zillion things to do today. the gorge was surprisingly ice-free. the green fall river was chugging along nicely, though, making the river crossing “interesting.” in fact, the only major ice i encountered was at the base of the […]