auntie | May 27, 2015
4 miles; voluntown, ct i did a quick visit today to my local section of the narragansett trail. i had an appointment right afterward, so i had to hustle, but it was still a lovely day to be in the woods. there’s water flowing over the dam at green fall pond, though not a lot, […]
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Category: CFPA Trails, Connecticut, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 2–5 miles, CT, Voluntown CT
auntie | May 24, 2015
8.5 miles; charlestown, ri another very sparsely-attended providence county hiking club hike; there were just 2 of us but we had fun anyway. i did some counting, and it was my 10th hike on this property, not counting the very first time i was here in january of 2012, where i got about a mile […]
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Category: Rhode Island, RI North South Trail, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 7–10 miles, Charlestown RI, RI
auntie | May 23, 2015
4.5 miles; middletown, ri this is another property that’s been on my to-do list for a long time. i know i came here as a child when my family lived on aquidneck island, but i quite literally have no actual memory of the place. which is too bad, as it’s probably the prettiest place i’ve ever […]
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Category: Rhode Island, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 2–5 miles, Middletown RI, RI
auntie | May 21, 2015
this is a combined nature conservancy/avalonia land trust property in north stonington, and is the site of a fairly rare atlantic white cedar swamp. luckily, it’s not entirely swamp; there’s an old farm road that eventually peters out before it gets swampy. i have driven by the entrance to bell cedar swamp for, quite literally, […]
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Category: Connecticut, Walks and Hikes |
Tags: 2 miles or less, CT, North Stonington CT
auntie | May 18, 2015
4.73 miles; hopkinton, ri the “usual suspects” and i decided to visit camp yawgoog one last time before the boy scouts arrive. i can’t get over how beautiful this property is. lucky scouts! this is just one of the many beautiful vistas on hidden lake. one of my hiking friends tells me that hidden lake was […]
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Category: Rhode Island, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 2–5 miles, Hopkinton RI, RI
auntie | May 16, 2015
9.3 miles; glocester, ri and killingly, ct this was a great hike and a good, if small, group. the weather was fine for hiking; cool and mostly overcast, but the mosquitoes were horrible. we really moved out, just out of self-preservation. this section of the north-south trail starts at the george washington campground in burriville, […]
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Category: Connecticut, Rhode Island, RI North South Trail, Walks and Hikes |
Tags: 7–10 miles, CT, Gloucester RI, Killingly CT, RI