auntie | September 29, 2015
3.4 miles; bellingham, medway, and franklin, ma a lot of people think social media is isolating; that people spend more time looking at their phones and tablets than interacting with actual humans. but to my way of thinking, that’s all backwards. social media has connected me with some great people who i have actually met […]
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Category: Easy Walks, Massachusetts, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 2–5 miles, Bellingham MA, Franklin MA, MA, Medway MA
auntie | September 28, 2015
4.1 miles; exeter, ri this was originally supposed to be a providence county hiking club hike on the northern half of the tippecansett trail, but unfortunately, the south county rod and gun club has closed off the 1500 feet of trail that crosses their property. this subsequently engendered quite a few back-and-forths with the trails […]
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Category: Rhode Island, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 2–5 miles, Exeter RI, RI
auntie | September 25, 2015
2.75 miles; south kingstown, ri i had to be in south kingstown for other reasons, so i decided to visit this park while i was there. it’s not huge, but it is very interesting. the park’s trail is maintained by the appalachian mountain club, narragansett chapter, and there are more bog bridges per trail mile […]
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Category: Rhode Island, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 2–5 miles, RI, South Kingstown RI
auntie | September 23, 2015
1.25 miles; groton, ct gungywamp is an archeological site in groton, the origins of which are in some dispute. the site itself is not open to the public, and you can only see it on guided hikes. i’ve been hearing about this spot for years, and thanks to a denison pequotsepos nature center-led hike today, […]
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Category: Connecticut, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 2 miles or less, CT, Groton CT
auntie | September 21, 2015
5.3 miles; voluntown, ct today was a day for noticing small things… asters, caterpillars, and acorns. and i got the now rare for me experience of hiking a new trail in my home area. there were lots and lots of these white wood asters at the entrance to green fall gorge. they were everywhere. and […]
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Category: Connecticut, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 5–7 miles, CT, Hopkinton RI, RI, Voluntown CT
auntie | September 19, 2015
7.46 miles; exeter and richmond, ri today was a hot, humid day for my first post-ireland hike. this is a really good section of the north-south trail—we were in the woods the whole time, with lots of moderate ups and downs. it’d be perfect in better weather, but the unseasonable heat for this time of […]
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Category: Rhode Island, RI North South Trail, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 7–10 miles, Exeter RI, RI, Richmond RI