Barn Island

| November 30, 2015

Barn Island

4.5 miles; stonington, ct so nice to be back here now that it is no longer a dystopian hellscape of blood-sucking insects. that’s not to say there aren’t any deer ticks or dog ticks, but at least the gnats and mosquitos are gone. you can find barn island in my hikefinder.

Tefft Hill from the State Garage

| November 29, 2015

Tefft Hill from the State Garage

4.75 miles; exeter and richmond, ri i’ve been so neglectful of both this blog and my hiking lately! it’s been 2 whole weeks since the last time i was out and i haven’t posted anything at all in november. so today i decided to blow a little rust out on one of my favorite properties, with […]

Meadow Brook and Cormier Woods

| November 16, 2015

Meadow Brook and Cormier Woods

7.3 miles; mendon, ma before we moved to the southeast corner of connecticut, the hubs and i lived in a little town in central massachusetts called mendon. it’s not off any highway, so practically nobody knows where it is. i got so tired of the usual response to the question, “where do you live?” that i […]

Kettle Pond/Kimball/Burlingame

| November 14, 2015

Kettle Pond/Kimball/Burlingame

4.67 miles; charlestown, ri today i went with another facebook group on this loop through kimball, kettle pond, and burlingame. it was a very windy day—can’t say i’ve ever seen whitecaps on watchaug pond before. this is my usual loop through here, and part of it goes through the play area in burlingame campground. well, wouldn’t […]

PCHC North-South Trail, Leg 11—the final step!

| November 7, 2015

PCHC North-South Trail, Leg 11—the final step!

6.2 miles; charlestown, ri we finally did it! three of us from the providence county hiking club managed to complete the 78-mile journey we started on april 11th of this year. as usual, this hike started where the last one left off, in burlingame state park, on the vin gormley trail. not a lot of […]

Duval Trail

| November 4, 2015

Duval Trail

6 miles; south kingstown, ri usual suspects hike on this balmy early november day. this property is so interesting, and my friend showed me a new trail, and a way to make the long out-and-back less long. this is a shot straight up the hill from the parking area in front of the old quaker […]