George Washington Management Area

| April 30, 2016

George Washington Management Area

7.3 miles; Burrilville and Gloucester, RI This was a PCHC hike which essentially duplicated Leg #2 of our North-South Trail hike, except I was just not feeling it. As a result I opted, since I’ve already done the N-S Trail, to take a road shortcut at the end that cut off about a mile or so of hiking. […]

The Sky’s The Limit Challenge, Hike 2—Devil’s Hopyard State Park

| April 18, 2016

The Sky's The Limit Challenge, Hike 2—Devil’s Hopyard State Park

5.38 miles; East Haddam, CT After a long hiatus, I finally got back to tackling the Connecticut DEEP’s “The Sky’s the Limit Challenge” with my hiking companions Stacy and Dallas the Dog. Stacy knew this park quite well, as she lived in the area growing up, so we didn’t need our maps. This hike was a […]

Tippecansett South

| April 15, 2016

Tippecansett South

5.5 miles; Exeter and Hopkinton, RI and Voluntown, CT I’ve done this hike in a couple sections, but today I was able to do it in one go thanks to a car spot with a good hiking pal. I really like the Tippecansett Trail. It’s a little over 10 miles total, yellow-blazed, maintained by the Narragansett […]

Carr Pond Loop, Big River

| April 14, 2016

Carr Pond Loop, Big River

4 miles; West Greenwich, RI Ah, Big River… what can I say? It’s a massive chunk of open space that was originally taken by the state using eminent domain in order to build a reservoir, and then the reservoir never got made. See this article in the Providence Journal to see how poignant a story it still […]

Bluff Point SP

| April 6, 2016

Bluff Point SP

4.5 miles; Groton, CT Ugh. I haven’t been hiking much lately because, ever since I got back from Arizona, the local trails all seem so… familiar and boring, I guess. But I decided I had to drag my sorry butt out today, and I’m [and I’ll bet you never saw this coming—Ed.] glad I did. I went […]