auntie | June 27, 2016
7 miles; Mansfield, CT We are officially half-way through the 14-hike DEEP Challenge! This was a great hike on a very interesting property. We started from the same place I started from the last time I hiked here, back in October 0f 2014. But this time I didn’t get lost and my cellphone didn’t die, both […]
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Category: CFPA Trails, Connecticut, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 7–10 miles, CT, Mansfield CT
auntie | June 25, 2016
7.5 miles; Richmond, RI This was a car spot hike with the Providence County Hiking Club. It was a through-hike of the yellow-blazed Arcadia Trail in the Arcadia Wildlife Management Area. I’ve done it before with my “usual suspect” friends, but not in almost 4 years. Wow, I’ve been hiking for four years? And blogging […]
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Category: Rhode Island, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 7–10 miles, RI, Richmond RI
auntie | June 20, 2016
4.7 miles; Barkhamsted, CT So the hubs and I decided to give car camping a trial run. Neither of us grew up camping, although I was a Girl Scout and I guess his days as a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne might sort of count… Anyway, we’re trying to plan a longer camping trip to Nova […]
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Category: CFPA Trails, Connecticut, Walks and Hikes |
Tags: 2–5 miles, Barkhamsted CT, CT
auntie | June 18, 2016
1.2 Miles; Preston, CT Today I joined some members of my garden club and some members of the Avalonia Land Conservancy on a guided walk on this Avalonia property in Preston. It’s an interesting place… and a massive butterfly haven. Unfortunately, we were just a little too early for the full display, but our intrepid guide, naturalist, […]
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Category: Connecticut, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 2 miles or less, CT, Preston CT
auntie | June 8, 2016
6 miles; Voluntown, CT I know I have kind of badmouthed the Pachaug Trail. It tends towards rocky and eroded in a lot of places because of motorized vehicle traffic, and that just does not make for a pleasant hiking experience. But I have to say that today’s hike was wonderful. I started off from […]
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Category: CFPA Trails, Connecticut, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 5–7 miles, CT, Voluntown CT
auntie | June 6, 2016
3-3/4 miles; Exeter and West Greenwich, RI This hike started out normally enough until, about 1/4 mile in, I run into “Nature Boy,” out for a nude hike. How do I find these people? First it was the couple making the beast with 2 backs on the Ayers Gap trail, then the girl taking a […]
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Category: Rhode Island, Walks and Hikes |
Tags: 2–5 miles, Exeter RI, RI, West Greenwich RI