Beavertail Sunset/Full Moon Hike

| April 29, 2018

Beavertail Sunset/Full Moon Hike

2.5 miles; Jamestown, RI [Editor’s Note: It’s been a long time since I’ve blogged about a hike, and, actually, a long time since I’ve done any amount of hiking, family issues and yard work having interfered in a big way with my schedule. And please note the date of this hike: April 29, almost 2 […]

AMC Trail Inspection, Escoheag Trail

| April 28, 2018

AMC Trail Inspection, Escoheag Trail

2 miles; Exeter, RI I volunteered with the AMC Narragansett Chapter to do a trail clean-up/inspection on the Escoheag Trail. Three intrepid hikers headed out armed with loppers and a handsaw, and we cleared brush and small trees and documented blowdowns which would require heavier duty equipment and crews to clear. Fun way to spend […]

26th Annual N-S Trail Trek, Leg 4

| April 21, 2018

26th Annual N-S Trail Trek, Leg 4

10.1 miles; Coventry and Foster, RI After the last grueling leg, this leg seemed easy-peasy—all road walking and “ONLY” 10+ miles. We (for a change) had a glorious day, if not super warm, with sunshine and blue skies the whole time. This is a beautiful part of the state, which made the road-walking downright pleasant, […]

26th Annual N-S Trail Trek, Leg 3

| April 7, 2018

26th Annual N-S Trail Trek, Leg 3

16.76 miles; Richmond, Exeter, West Greenwich and Coventry, RI Welp, I did it, I walked 17 miles (almost). I was one hurting puppy by the end, but I did it. This leg has some great stretches in it—Sand Hill Trail, the Ben Utter Trail, Stepstone Falls, Nicholas Farm—and one long-assed stretch of road-walking; almost 4 […]