Canonchet Brook and Hoxie Preserves

| October 10, 2018

Canonchet Brook and Hoxie Preserves

4.8 miles; Hopkinton, RI a.k.a. “A Cavalcade of Mushrooms.” Nice if hot and sweaty walk on this small section of what is known as the Borderlands/Dark Skies trail system. Lotta mushrooms. I passed up a hen, and even found a couple black trumpets. At this rate I’ll be able to make my pasta by 2025… […]

Block Island, Mohegan Bluffs

| October 6, 2018

Block Island, Mohegan Bluffs

4.3 miles; Block Island, RI The annual PCHC Block Island Hike was nearly cancelled because the person who usually leads it pulled up lame with a bad knee (get better soon, Ernie!). Well yours truly stepped up and offered to lead it instead, so a small but merry band of hikers embarked for the Block […]