auntie | November 30, 2020
4.18 miles; 422 feet total ascent; Asheville, NC Sometimes I’m just not feeling it when it comes to hiking in the woods. On the other hand, sometimes I just gotta get out and walk someplace, anyplace. Today I decided to do a walk along the banks of the French Broad River. The river runs north-south […]
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Category: North Carolina, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 2–5 miles, Asheville NC, NC
auntie | November 20, 2020
8.2 miles; 965 feet total ascent; Asheville, NC This was a great hike. Why? First, because it was a great day… cool, crisp, and sunny. Second, because it was long enough to satisfy me. Third, because good grief, the views from the highest points! Fourth, because I found a couple cool detour/shortcuts. And fifth, because […]
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Category: North Carolina, Walks and Hikes |
Tags: 7–10 miles, Asheville NC, NC, Pisgah NF
auntie | November 13, 2020
5 miles; 900 feet total ascent; Asheville, NC This wasn’t exactly the route I had originally planned, but I wasn’t able to park where I thought I needed to, so revised the route. I also took a bit of a shortcut, which was harder than I thought it would be, so that was kind of […]
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Category: Mountains-to-Sea Trail, North Carolina, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 2–5 miles, Asheville NC, NC, Pisgah NF
auntie | November 6, 2020
7.7 miles; 595 feet ascent; Asheville, NC Really beginning to love this trail complex, despite the mad number of mountain bikers who also use it. The second half of the Explorer Loop Trail, which I hiked clockwise, was one of the best walks in the woods I think I’ve ever had. Gorgeous. Soothing. Serene. You […]
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Category: North Carolina, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 7–10 miles, Asheville NC, NC, Pisgah NF
auntie | November 5, 2020
6.6 miles; 507 feet ascent; Asheville and Arden, NC Did my “Lyft” thing today. Parked at the Mountains-to-Sea Trail Parking area off Route 25 and got a Lyft ride to the French Broad Overlook and hiked back. This is much better for me than an out-and-back, because I am so deeply and fundamentally lazy that […]
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Category: Mountains-to-Sea Trail, North Carolina, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 5–7 miles, Asheville NC, NC
auntie | November 3, 2020
7.5 miles; 563 feet ascent; Asheville, NC I’ve had this one in my “Hikes I’d Like to Do” list for a while. The first half was great, in that it was exactly the end part of yesterday’s hike around Lake Powhatan. But the 2nd half was all on forest roads, and as I may have […]
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Category: North Carolina, Walks and Hikes |
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Tags: 7–10 miles, Asheville NC, NC, Pisgah NF