26th Annual N-S Trail Trek, Leg 4

Posted By on April 21, 2018

26th Annual N-S Trail Trek, Leg 4

10.1 miles; Coventry and Foster, RI

After the last grueling leg, this leg seemed easy-peasy—all road walking and “ONLY” 10+ miles. We (for a change) had a glorious day, if not super warm, with sunshine and blue skies the whole time.

Wildlife! [Sort of]

Wildlife! [Sort of]

This is a beautiful part of the state, which made the road-walking downright pleasant, with lots of farms and fields and historic homes.

Maples Flowering

Maples Flowering

This very cold spring has been taking its time arriving, but the maples are finally flowering so you know warmer days are at least on the way.

Rice City Schoolhouse

Rice City Church

And speaking of historic, we walked through Rice City, which was at one time a notorious stop along the old Plainfield Pike and included a famous tavern. You can read more about Rice City here on Wikipedia.

Turns to Dirt

It was with no small amount of relief, even on this “short” hike, that we hit a small section of dirt road. All that asphalt can be hard on your joints!

You can find out more about the North-South trail from this rather old and slightly link-rotty website called HTML Outdoors Planet. Also check out the great map collection available from the AMC Narragansett Chapter. There is also some very good info on “The Trek” website. As always, click the image above for details about this hike and to download the gps track.

<– LEG 3  LEG 5 –>


One Response to “26th Annual N-S Trail Trek, Leg 4”

  1. […] <– LEG 4  SEE ALSO, 27TH N-S TRAIL TREK DAY 1 –> […]

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