Air Line and SNETT Trails
Posted By auntie on May 7, 2017

7.9 miles; Thompson, CT, Burrilville, RI, and Douglas, MA
Actually this was me hiking to meet some friends who were doing the Coffeehouse Loop in the Douglas State Forest, but I just had to do more mileage. Most of my return was on the Southern New England Trunkline Trail, or SNETT, which is pretty nice through here. Also took in a bit of the Air Line Trail in Connecticut.

The Ol’ Tri-State Marker
This hike naturally goes by the Tri-State Marker, one of my favorite places to hike to ever.

Cedar Swamp Trail Boardwalk
Once I met my friends, we started on the Coffeehouse Loop, and took a little detour on this lovely little side trail that goes through an Atlantic White Cedar swamp. The boardwalks were impressive.

Future Blueberries
There were lots of future blueberries in evidence. This was on a highbush blueberry plant, and right at its feet were a ton of the little lowbush blueberry plants.

Along the SNETT
The SNETT where it passes through the Douglas State forest is very well maintained. It gets a little rockier once it passes off the forest land, but it’s still quite walkable.

Scenery along the SNETT
And the scenery was just gorgeous. We had (for a change) a nice, sunny day to walk, although it wasn’t especially warm. Which makes for some great hiking.
You can find out more about the Coffeehouse Loop from the state of Massachusetts website, here. And as always, click the above image for details on the trail and to download the track. The Tri-State Trek hike is also on my Favorite Hikes page.
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