An Update from the AMC
Posted By auntie on August 13, 2016

Yes, I know, it’s a very rare non-hiking-report post. I’ve posted about this before, but I thought this information was important to share again.
I recently received a note from Kerry Robinson of the Narragansett Chapter of the AMC about the former picnic grove and backpacking site in Arcadia, off the Tippecansett Trail near Stepstone Falls:
We’re very close to commencing the on-site portion of the old Arcadia CCC Pavilion restoration project. The main framing of the structure has been being prepared off-site, in Wickford, over the past several months and will be assembled, post and beam fashion (just as the original was), on-site in Arcadia, in the coming weeks. The lumber is being milled by DEM and the last of it should be arriving to us shortly!The AMC will be posting the on-site work-days as soon as we get word that the balance of the lumber is done. If you or anyone you know is interested in volunteering on the project, please let me know…the more the merrier!If you’ve been out to the area recently, you may have also noticed that the old pump house is also underway in its restoration and the DEM is finishing up new bathrooms out there, as well. Hopefully, the new & improved “picnic area” will be respected by visitors…(one can hope, anyway!)Another effort we’ll be working on, with the help of DEM, you and anyone else I can get to spread the word, is the references to the structure as a “Picnic Pavilion”. As you know, on many websites, publications, etc., it is referred to, inaccurately, as a “shelter”. Its intended use is and always has been as a “picnic pavilion”. We are going to make a concerted effort to re-sign the area, directing campers to appropriate “camp sites” and indicating the “rules & regulations” of the usage of the Pavilion, in an effort to keep inappropriate usage – and potential vandalism, etc. – to a minimum. Any help we can get in spreading the word is greatly appreciated – and I very much appreciate you taking the time to do so, yourself, on your site!Hopefully, the renewed attention the site has will spill over into renewed education and appreciation for what it was the CCC originally built out there, in the “picnic grove” it once was.
I am told, now, that work is underway at the site as i type this, on Saturday, August 13. They have plenty of volunteers for today’s work party, but can always use more for future work parties. If you are interested in joining them, you can contact Kerry directly at
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