Another Bent Creek Loop
Posted By auntie on January 4, 2021

7.8 miles; 640 feet total ascent; Asheville, NC
I may be finally getting jaded about the trails in the Bent Creek Experimental Forest. This one was fine, but nothing special. Large portion of forest road, and some trails I’ve been on before… meh. Or maybe it’s just me. (Hike 1/52 of the 52-hike challenge).

Bent Creek
Bent Creek itself is the major waterway through this forest, and it’s very pretty.

Water Crossing
And it’s USUALLY bridged. This isn’t actually Bent Creek itself, but a tributary. And looks aside it wasn’t really very deep, but still. It was a long way to walk picking your way carefully from damp stepping stone to damp stepping stone. Eeesh. Didn’t get wet but man, I hate this. I’m such a klutz it’s only a matter of time till I slip off one stone and get wet to my knees…
You can find out more about the trails in the Bent Creek Experimental Forest from this excellent Hike Western North Carolina website. As always, click the image above for details about this hike and to download the gps track.
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