Escoheag Trail, Ben Utter Trail, Stepstone Falls

Posted By on March 26, 2012

Escoheag Trail, Ben Utter Trail, Stepstone Falls

★★★★★  6 miles

fantastic walk. varied terrain, a beautiful river, the falls… everything was great today. spring is definitely coming to the woods, too, even if it wasn’t as unseasonably warm today as it was last weekend. i saw tons of red maple in bloom, and even a little stand of coltsfoot by the falls. the hike was longer than i estimated, but that didn’t become a problem. in fact, i could have kept walking for another couple miles, but i was back to my car. great day in the woods!

Signs of Spring: Swamp Maples in Bloom


Signs of Spring: Coltsfoot


Signs of… Something?


Stepstone Falls


5 Responses to “Escoheag Trail, Ben Utter Trail, Stepstone Falls”

  1. SDIZZY says:

    Love the blog, great to see more RI outdoors blogs out there!

    • auntie says:

      hey thanks. though i live in connecticut now, i’m from rhode island originally, and i’m only about 2 miles from the border, so it almost counts!

  2. […] of march, that was the last time i did this trail, although at that time i did much more than just the ben utter. the last time included the […]

  3. […] at maps. but i really have to learn to pay a little more attention to terrain lines. i hiked this stretch of the escoheag trail in march, but i plum forgot how very climby it was! there were a few places where it was “all […]

  4. […] red maples are finally FINALLY beginning to bloom here in r.i. looking back at last year’s red maple photo, i see the date was march 26th… fully two weeks earlier than […]

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