Arcadia Management Area, Hemlock Ledges
Posted By auntie on March 6, 2012
★★★ 3.76 miles
very different from my usual hikes in that it was very rugged, a lot of climbing. so 99:1, hikey: walkey, lotta climby. the scenery was very pretty, especially the view from the top of lookout rock. a lot of the hemlocks in the title have succumbed, or are in the process of succumbing, to hemlock adelgid, so many, many downed trees. also, it turns out that arcadia is the grand central station of wildlife management areas. i bumped into another geocacher who got to one of the caches same time as me (ct-ri witness post), and we collaborated on finding the cache. and on the way back from that cache, i passed a whole passel of young men (boy scouts?) on their way… somewhere. they had bedrolls.
[…] off that last little section today. and while i was doing it, i remembered that it is part of the hemlock ledges hike. so, i guess today was somewhat unnecessary. except that i got to see a section of the deep […]