Arizona Adventure

Posted By on January 3, 2016

Arizona Adventure

.5 miles; Bisbee, AZ

Today was my first day out after a long week of driving, and I was not prepared for how rugged this particular climb was going to be, not to mention that I’m now residing at over a mile elevation and was climbing up. I didn’t bring my hiking poles with me, and it got too crazy for me to continue. But it was beautiful, and I hope to see more in the future.

prickly pear blooming

Prickly Pear Blooming

These are right on the driveway of the place we’re staying at in Bisbee. Not sure if these are really almost ready to bloom or what, but it was cool looking.

Cool Rock Formation

Cool Rock Formation

Our rental is on a canyon, and where the road ends the wash continues uphill. This rock formation was just a bit up the wash from the end of the road.

Old Mine

Old Mine

Just below the rock formation we found an old mine adit. (And may I just say it’s cool to be able to use the word “adit” in normal writing, and not just as a crossword puzzle answer?) Our host tells us that these old mines are all over the mountains around us, the Mule Mountains. They’re probably as common as old cellar holes are in New England. We didn’t venture inside, but we could hear our voices echoing when we shouted into it.

Interesting Seed Pod

Interesting Seed Pod

Because we’re here in the winter, I have a feeling plant ID is going to be a problem. Fortunately, these seed pods were pretty easy to find on Google Image Search—they’re the seed pods of the coralbean plant, Erythrina flabelliformis, and the seeds are extremely toxic. The plant’s flowers are red and tubular, and very attractive to hummingbirds. Speaking of which, I optimistically put up a hummingbird feeder, and I have actually had visitors to it. Hummingbirds, in January.

A View up the Wash

A View up the Wash

The hubs and I escaped out here to avoid the snow and cold. I think this is going to be a very educational and exercise-filled vacation, and I’m really looking forward to seeing more of everything.


2 Responses to “Arizona Adventure”

  1. Carol Pruitt says:

    Great to hear of your adventures and observations. Love the photos. How is the weather? Keep your posts coming.

    • auntie says:

      it’s been rainy and unseasonably cold here lately, in the 40’s. but that’s supposed to change saturday, when the sun comes out and the temps go up to their usual high-50’s, low-60’s.

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