Barn Island WMA
Posted By auntie on October 11, 2012
4.48 miles ★★★★½
only ding here is that it is too short. beautiful fall day and a lovely walk partly in the woods and partly on a salt marsh. oh, and partly off the property and through a neighborhood, but only a bit over half a mile’s worth.
the sky was that brilliant blue it only seems to get in autumn, and it was just cool enough that you didn’t work up a sweat walking. wonderful hiking weather.
that wooded area on the left-hand side of the picture in the distance is actually barn island itself. i have been told that there is a house on it, but it is no longer occupied. and, i presume, a barn…
this fellow? lady? was on the part of the walk where you’re off the management area and walking through a neighborhood.
it’s that time of year when the milkweed seeds are flying through the air. these look like fireworks.
there were actually two separate flocks of these big white wading birds on the marsh. i’m not sure what kind of bird they are, or if they are a resident population or migrating… sorry, not a birder. and there was no fungus worth photographing, so you’re stuck with these mysteries instead. they did make me wish i had a fancier camera with a telephoto lens, though.
you can find barn island wildlife management area in stonington, and you can get more information about it, including directions and a trail map here.
Oh! I wish I could be there !!