Barn Island WMA
Posted By auntie on March 5, 2014
4.7 miles; stonington, ct
i did the larger loop on barn island today, and it was right at the edge of what my ankle could handle. it felt a bit floppy by the time i got to the car, and stiffened up a lot between there and home. but i figure i have to start getting tough with it, so maybe i’ll hit francis carter on friday morning. it’s almost as long and has more ups and downs.
not as nice a photo as i’d like, but that’s as good a shot as i could get with the iPhone. there was a great blue heron fishing on the marsh.
thought the ice patterns on the surface of this little seep by the side of the trail were interesting. it wasn’t all that cold out today… maybe in the 30’s. i didn’t even wear a hat or gloves.
he’s a lot harder to see here, but another (or perhaps the same) great blue heron is taking off from this salt marsh.
you can find barn island in the hikefinder.
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