Barn Island WMA
Posted By auntie on April 1, 2012
★★★★½ 5.72 miles
i know, right? barn island, again?? but this time was different. i went with the southeast ct adventurers meetup group, and the walk was co-led by an historian. we learned about a freed slave named venture smith, who bought a parcel on barn island in 1770. fascinating hike. i learned a lot about 18th century farming and property law in ct. loved it.
by the way, the last hike on wednesday, at the tillinghast management area, was the end for march. i only went out 15 times, which is just weird, because i went out 20 times in february and 21 times in january. you would think it would be the opposite. but there was a bit more rain, i guess, and other things intruded to cut down on my hiking time. on the other hand, i seem to be increasing my mileage, though not so dramatically between february (67.82) and march (68.34), as between january (57.01) and february.
[…] and fallen for some of them hard (ha! in more ways than one!). i love arcadia in rhode island, and barn island in connecticut. i absolutely love nipmuck state forest up in union, ct., and i was awed and amazed […]