Bay Circuit Trail Section 17

Posted By on August 21, 2017

6.05 miles; Medfield and Sharon, MA

This hike was interrupted about 2/3s of the way through due to a family emergency. I will have to pick up the hike here later in the week. It was nice, up till I got the phone call. I especially liked where I was when the phone rang—on an old path called “Old Indian Trail,” which ran along the top of an esker alongside Mine Brook and a railroad track.

Railroad Crossing

It started off with a lot of road walking, probably 2 miles worth, which finally ended just past this railroad crossing. Yes, another railroad crossing!

And again

Pretty sure this is the “trash train.” I seem to be crossing its tracks an awful lot!

Not Quite the Woods

There was also a long-ish stretch along some power lines before I made the turn onto Old Indian Trail.

You can read more about the Bay Circuit Trail here. As always, click on the image, above, for details about this section and to download the GPS track.

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