Bay Circuit Trail Section 19

Posted By on August 28, 2017

Bay Circuit Trail Section 19

9.4 miles; Sharon & Easton, MA

It worked out that I was able to hike today with my new friend that I made last week! We hiked the rest of Moose Hill Sanctuary, then along the shores of a beautiful lake, and then the gorgeous Borderlands State Park. This was another stellar section of the BCT.


We started this hike from where I left off last week, i.e., the Moose Hill Visitors’ Center. The rest of this preserve was as lovely as the first part.

Planted Forest

The last time I saw a planted forest I was in Florida. It’s even more startling to see in New England. I’m told this was planted after a fire.

Deer Stand? Treehouse?

After we left Moose Hill, there was a tiny road walk which brought us to the Beaver Brook Trail, which runs between the brook of the same name and a high railroad embankment. It was along this trail we saw this large construction. I thought “deer stand,” but on further reflection, it could have just been a big ol’ tree fort. It was in serious disrepair, either way, though.

Lake Massapaug

After Beaver Brook, the BCT does a long lovely stretch along Massapoag Lake. It first followed the beach, and then the road that hugged the shore. It was along here we met an off-duty chef who told us that this is the largest spring-fed lake in the state. There are no inflowing streams at all, and in fact, it sits atop a plateau. He also pointed to an unassuming-looking little brick building that housed the pumps that help keep the lake at an even level. It was one of those interesting random encounters you have while hiking a long-distance trail like this.

Borderlands Overlook

At the end of the road-walking portion, we entered Borderlands State Park. This place is very lovely, and has lots of interesting features and a myriad of trails which wind around 6 lakes and ponds. This is a place I seriously would love to visit again.

You can find out more about the Mass. Audubon’s Moose Hill Sanctuary on their website (Note: There is a $4 entrance fee for non-Audubon members; the Visitors’ Center opens at 7:00 am). And visit the State of Massachusetts page for the skinny on Borderlands State Park (Note: There is a $5 parking fee here, and the parking area doesn’t open till 8:00 am). You can read more about the Bay Circuit Trail here. And as always, click on the image, above, for details about this section and to download the GPS track.

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