Big Butt Wildflower Walk

Posted By on May 5, 2022

Big Butt Wildflower Walk

1 mile; 303 ft. total elevation gain; Pensacola Township, NC

This was a Wildflower Foray sponsored by the Asheville Mushroom Club (I know, right?), so as such, it took us over 3 hours to walk 1 mile along this trail. And the road TO the trailhead was a serious adventure, too, in that it was gravel/dirt for about 9 miles, and I do not exaggerate. And very steep, as the trailhead itself was at about 4300-feet. I was very glad I carpooled, I’ll say that!

Also, this trail, the Big Butt Trail (I like Big Butt and I can not lie) is one I’d really like to attempt to complete someday, but I don’t know how it would work logistically, as it would have to be a car spot and I don’t know anyone who would be willing to creep along with me at my snail’s pace. But I may come back here and do a bit more of it someday as an out-and-back, and maybe I will also go to the trailhead on the Blue Ridge Parkway and out-and-back it from there as well, so I’d ultimately do the whole thing.

But anyway, also, I did not take too many photos for some reason. I guess I really mostly wanted to post this hike just so I could type “I like Big Butt and I can not lie.” Yep, that’s basically the whole reason right there.

Ranunculus (no idea which one)

Spotted Fairybells, aka Spotted Mandarin (Prosartes maculata)

But see? There were wildflowers! Many of the plants we saw were pretty specialized in that they can only be found above 3000-feet, so it was a cool and informative walk. But yeah, it was mostly about Big Butt.

You can find out more about the Big Butt Trail from this Asheville Hikes website. As always, click the image above for details about this hike and to download the gps track.


One Response to “Big Butt Wildflower Walk”

  1. […] anymore. Gotta do something about that. Anyway… This is the other end of the Big Butt Trail wildflower walk I did back in May. [Imma refrain from the incessant rap lyric quotes of that last post, […]

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