Browning Woods on Snowshoes

Posted By on January 31, 2015

Browning Woods on Snowshoes

3.32 miles; south kingstown, ri

3 miles of snowshoeing is a lot harder than 3 miles of hiking. i now know this from actual experience, especially since i broke trail on at least half of that distance. can’t say i enjoyed it, exactly, but i am now excited to go on shorter trails that i wouldn’t be interested in hiking. so there’s that.



it was a glorious day in the woods, if you could somehow overlook the foot or so of snow. once i got past the point where other people gave up and turned around (not sure what that says about me), the unbroken trail was criss-crossed with animal tracks. those tracks you see in the photo above are not human, they’re some sort of canid—dog, fox, coyote, wolf—something like that. okay, prolly not wolf. prolly.

as an aside, i apologize for the lack of photos, but when it’s 19-degrees out, i find myself strangely reluctant to pull my gloves off for anything, much less for picture-taking. in fact, for the first mile or so of this slog, i had my mittens on, with hand-warmers fired up inside, and my hands were still cold. it took a mile’s worth of snowshoeing to get them warm enough for gloves.

you can find browning woods in the hikefindertrailheadtrail mapcourtesy the south kingstown land trust.


2 Responses to “Browning Woods on Snowshoes”

  1. Looks like someone is liking winter a teensy weensy little bit more. Yeah!

    • auntie says:

      hahaha!!! yeah, no, i am just determined not to vegetate for the winter. no, seriously, would have enjoyed this MUCH more without the snow. and the threat of frostbite.

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