Calf Pasture Point
Posted By auntie on December 18, 2015

4.3 miles; north kingstown, ri
pchc hike on an overcast day, but so warm for december that we actually saw a mosquito. this is an interesting property… former navy land. the hike was part bike path and part beach walk. great views from the beach, too.
there is a 2-1/2 mile paved bike path that runs through here, and ends on a beach. great views from the bike path, as well.
even though the day was overcast, we could see quite a bit of narragansett bay from here. we spotted all the bridges (mount hope, newport, and jamestown), the cooling towers of the power plant at brayton point, warwick neck light, and several of the islands, including connanicut, prudence, patience and hope. which brings to mind the old colonial rhyme, “prudence and patience and hope and despair, and little hog island, alone over there.” we didn’t see either despair or hog islands, tho.
walking an old woods road back from the furthest point on the beach to the bike path, we came across this swing, just all by itself in the woods.
it was cool and damp, and these multiflora rose hips were dripping.
i have not added calf pasture point to the hikefinder, although i may in the future. stay tuned. you can find out more about this hike here: bike path info, calf pasture point fact sheet. didn’t find a trail map online, but there is one prominently posted at the parking area for this hike at the marine drive trailhead.
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