Camp Yawgoog
Posted By auntie on September 29, 2018

3.3 miles; Hopkinton, RI
[Ed. Note: I have been EXTREMELY remiss in posting for the past few months. A lot of personal drama. But I have made a vow to post at least once a day until I’m caught up. So watch the dates on these, as there is quite a backlog.]
I suddenly realized we’re currently in prime Hen of the Woods Mushroom season and I hadn’t gotten my annual Hen yet, so I headed out to the Scout camp to see if I could spot any. Success! Got a sweet little Hen and a handful of Golden Chanterelles. This has been a fantastic mushroom season so far!

Autumn Colors Starting
It’s the end of September, and the trees are starting to turn. Alas.

Fly Agaric, Amanita muscaria var. guessowii
I’ve seen some absolutely magnificent Amanita mushrooms this season. I mean, dinner plate-sized caps.

White Coral mushroom, Clavulina cristata
This was a pretty amazing specimen of coral mushroom, too. There were a bunch of them around here, and they were all huge!

Log Vignette
I just thought this was a nice juxtaposition of carved log and autumn leaf, with the water beneath reflecting the blue sky.

This Year’s Hen
And here’s my pretty little hen. Isn’t she lovely? She was a perfect size to stuff into my backpack. I’m going to try something different with it this year; pickling and canning. I found a nice recipe for Pickled Hen of the Woods at the Forager Chef website. Perfect for a charcuterie or antipasto!
You can find out more about the trails on Camp Yawgoog from this amazing trail map posted on the camp’s website (WARNING: Map exemplifies one of my pet peeves… North is TO THE RIGHT. Bad, bad Boy Scouts. North should ALWAYS be up.) As always, click the image above for details about this hike and to download the gps track.
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