Cast Away!

Posted By on September 6, 2013

Cast Away!

just a [mercifully] brief ankle post… got my cast off today! yay! doc said everything looked really good, and put me in a removable brace, which looks like this:



i used a picture from the internet rather than my actual foot, which currently looks like a prosthetic foot because it’s all swollen and purplish. nobody wants to see that.

the brace can be worn with shoes, although my foot is still a little too swollen to fit easily into any shoes right now. i can put up to 30 pounds of weight on it for the first week or so, then as much as i can tolerate, which means hobbling around with the crutches. that is, i should be hobbling around with the crutches, but it hurts and feels funny and feels scary all at once so i reverted back to the scooter. i’m such a wuss. baby steps.


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