Mercy Woods

| October 13, 2019

Mercy Woods

3.6 miles; Cumberland, RI Decided to visit here after Ernie’s glowing review of this place on Trails and Walks. It did not disappoint. Very pretty location and varied and interesting terrain. Great spot! Also includes a tiny little section of the Warner Trail. The trails are very well maintained, with easy-to-navigate bridges over water crossings. […]

Warner Trail Section 1

| November 10, 2018

Warner Trail Section 1

10.6 miles; Sharon and Foxboro, MA So if the first two hikes this month were “Easy Walks,” I’d have to say this hike was the opposite. I made plans to hike this 30+ mile trail with some friends, and we had been warned that it was “pretty rough,” but I don’t think any of us was […]