Francis Carter Preserve

Posted By on August 31, 2014

Francis Carter Preserve

3.9 miles, charlestown, ri

another sunday morning, another usual suspects hike. it was overcast and very humid, but still a good walk.

flannel moth caterpillar

flannel moth caterpillar

the trail (which has been freshly brush-cut and widened) was covered with what at first looked like just bits of fluff, but upon further inspection turned out to be caterpillars. small white fuzzy caterpillars. they are flannel moth caterpillars, and mr. google tells me they can deliver a nasty sting under that fuzzy, soft-looking fluff. glad we didn’t find that out the hard way.

autumnal scene

autumnal scene

there were some very pretty young maple trees through here, and they were all turning purple. or perhaps they were always purple and we never noticed before. not sure. anyway, the entire scene looked autumnal, and i’m just not ready for that yet!

you can find the francis carter preserve in the hikefinder.


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