Francis Carter Preserve, Again

Posted By on November 5, 2014

Francis Carter Preserve, Again

3.86 miles; charlestown, ri

again, i was just looking to get in some quick mileage today, so i chose the old francis carter. my legs could really have used a rest, but rain is forecast for the next two days, so i thought it would be wise to get a walk in today while i could.

mop top rock

mop top rock

it’s interesting the way the ferns and the moss have colonized the top of this old glacial erratic boulder.

more beech trees

more beech trees

it’s also quite striking the way the beech trees’ brilliant yellow foliage seems to light up the woods. i know, i keep posting about this. but it’s so amazing.

split rock

split rock

and this is the main attraction of the short “split rock trail.” it’s a, er, split rock. a really, really big split rock.

you can find the francis carter preserve in the hikefinder.


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