Francis Carter Preserve

Posted By on March 2, 2012

Francis Carter Preserve

★★★★½  2.88 miles

was pressed for time today, so only able to do a brief revisit to this wonderful property. took a couple of loops i missed last time, and saw a pretty little lake, and then the amtrak train went by so close it was almost spectral… ghost train running through the woods. very neat. tried and failed to find a geocache. very walky, prolly 20:80 hikey:walkey, and moderate climby.


so this is the first post for march. i walked one day less in february than i did in january (the weather lately has been atrocious!), but actually went 10 miles further. pretty interesting. some of the places i’d like to visit this month include the great swamp and another trip to hell hollow; this time, the northern loop. and i want to start exploring arcadia in exeter, too.


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