Gammino Pond
Posted By auntie on August 19, 2018
2.4 miles; Seekonk, MA
The final hike of the day was with the PCHC, again, but a different group in a different state. We hiked around Gammino Pond from the Seekonk (Massachusetts) Library right around sunset, and it was beautiful. Grand total mileage for the day was almost 8 miles.
This pond was actually formed from a sand and gravel pit which dug just a leeeetle too deep and hit the water table. Story is that there is an intact excavator at the bottom—it filled up too fast to get the equipment out. But the Gammino Company’s loss was all of our gain, as this is a lovely spot in a fairly urban area.
The trails wind around the pond and take in part of the Ten Mile River as well as the pond. Speaking of which, you can find some great easy walks in this area in my friend Marjorie’s book, Easy Walks and Paddles in the Ten Mile River Watershed. Maps by auntie.
You can find out a bit more about Gammino Pond from this Seekonk Library fact sheet (pdf). There used to be a map of the trails around the pond, but it’s disappeared. Good luck googling. As always, click the image above for details about this hike and to download the gps track.
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