Green Falls Gorge

Posted By on September 12, 2012

Green Falls Gorge

4.04 miles   ★★★★½

“usual suspects” hike. beautiful day for a beautiful trail. it was dry, cool (it was 46° this morning when i got up!) and sunny. of course, the worst part of the hike was the mile on the road at the end, but in exchange, you get to go hike the gorge. fair enough!

coral fungus

fungus shot! i know you’ve been missing them.

nifty little chair

we ran into some trail volunteers on the connecticut side of this trail. they were fixing up the shelter and clearing some more tent sites. i spotted this nifty little chair carved from a tree stump.

the gorge

it was hard to capture the quality of the light in the gorge today. the sun was at a late summer/early fall angle, and the air was very clear. this shot came close.

jack-in-the-pulpit berries, arisaema triphyllum

some attractive, yet poisonous, jack-in-the-pulpit berries. these were everywhere today.

green falls gorge can be accessed from the state line marker on yawgoog road in rockville. from there, you follow the blue-blazed narragansett trail, which initially runs concurrently with the yellow-blazed tippecansett trail, and also for a while picks up the green falls pond trail, which is blue-and-orange-blazed. this map gives a pretty good overview of the trails around green falls pond.


2 Responses to “Green Falls Gorge”

  1. Lee May says:

    What an evocative picture of that gorge. You did capture the light quality, making me feel I was there. Cheers.

    • auntie says:

      thank you so much! the “point and shoot” camera i have is so limited, it’s always a surprise when i get something that sort of captures the moment.

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