Hell Hollow

Posted By on October 13, 2014

Hell Hollow

7.6 miles; voluntown, ct

i had originally posted this hike as an event at the providence county hiking club, but only one other hiker turned up, making this a two-blogger hike. i could take the easy way out and outsource this entire post to my friend at trails and walks in ri, but i won’t. you can check his account at the link.

the trail

the trail

the foliage was beautiful, and the trail was still pretty clear of leaves. this was basically the same hike i did a few weeks ago, minus the side trip up to locke’s meadow pond.

coyote skeleton

coyote skeleton

adding to the spooky nature of hiking in hell hollow this close to halloween, we came across the skeleton of a coyote. at least, that was the consensus of several folks we both consulted afterwards. no indication of how he died.

spectacular color

spectacular color

we’ve had some really spectacular color this fall. i’m not sure if this is because of, or in spite of the drought.

fungus shot

fungus shot

some unidentified fungus.

you can find several hell hollow hikes in the hikefinder, under pachaug state forest.


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