Kettle Pond, Kimball, and Vin Gormley Trails

Posted By on October 12, 2019

Kettle Pond, Kimball, and Vin Gormley Trails

10.8 miles; Charlestown, RI

Totally needed a “mileage” or “eat more food” hike this week, and this one did the trick.

Uh, yeah. Dress pants. Shorts.

You know, you find the weirdest things in the woods. Cannot even fathom why someone would leave their, uh, dress shorts?


It was a pretty day to view foliage.

Royal Fern?

Lots of stuff besides trees have lovely foliage colors. I think these are Royal Fern.

Virginia Creeper

Love the color of Virginia Creeper this time of year, too.

As always, click the image above for details about this hike and to download the gps track.


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