Maxwell Mayes Refuge
Posted By auntie on December 19, 2015
3.38 miles; coventry, ri
a very pleasant if COLD hike with the “take-a-hike” group. this is a very pretty property. glad i went. i found out what the blazed trail that isn’t on the map went to… it is a spur trail that goes to an old cellarhole, not a crossover trail as i had originally guessed. glad that mystery is solved!
this was a sign tacked to a tree in front of a big rock. not sure what it was meant to signify, but it was interesting to look at.
and here i am taking the picture of the sign. how very meta! [photo courtesy stephen graham]
i did a little bit of research on this preserve. i has only been owned by two owners: the carr family and maxwell mayes. i also found out that mayes used to call this carr family cemetery the “used carr lot.” ha, get it?
and this is posted without much enlightenment, sorry, but it’s a big old tree just chock full of black knots. i don’t know exactly what it is… i presume the knots are a fungus, and as far as i know, cherry trees are the most susceptible to black knot fungus, but this didn’t look like a cherry tree. not that i’m a tree expert or anything.
you can find the maxwell mayes wildlife refuge in my hikefinder.
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