Narragansett Trail, Yawbux Loop
Posted By auntie on March 5, 2016
4.9 miles; North Stonington, CT
Ah, the perils of new gear. I decided to splurge and buy a new pair of waterproof hiking boots. I went with Merrells, because I own a pair of their low-cut hiking shoes already, and the break-in period was zero. They fit perfectly and comfortably right out of the box. So I put on my new boots and hit the trail. What could go wrong?
I’m sure you have already figured out something went wrong. The right boot raised a lovely blister on the inside of my heel. I had big plans for a lot of hikes this week, and I have a feeling I’m not going to be doing too much. Which is a shame, because the weather coming up this week is forecast to be unseasonably warm.
I love the parts of the blue-blazed Narragansett Trail through North Stonington. The stone work is amazing—tons of arrow-straight rock walls. The stones in this wall looked like they had been dressed to be especially rectangular.
Also, the Narragansett Trail through here crosses and re-crosses Yawbux Brook. It seems as though that’s all you do through here! Cross the brook. Oh, look, a brook-crossing!
And some of the crossings were not exactly rock solid. This one required stepping on an ice-covered branch. And in one or two spots I was glad of my waterproof boots in spite of the blister.
All was quiet on the beaver pond this day, although the woods were full of hikers. I passed or was passed by at least 3 groups, and one couple twice. I guess we were doing the loop in opposite directions.
Off now to research blister treatments. Sigh.
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