Parker Woodland
Posted By auntie on September 2, 2017

7 miles; Coventry and Foster, RI
Today I hiked with my new hiking buddy Mary, and we had a lot of fun looking at old rock walls and cairns. Also too, it was a good workout, as this trail system always is.

Royal Fern and Cardinal Flowers
The weather was again perfect for hiking. Just cool enough to keep you from working up a real good sweat, and no bugs. And blue sky and sunshine, as you can see from the above reflections in Turkey Meadow Brook.

Sweet Old Cellar Hole
These old cellar holes never cease to amaze me with their arrow-straight walls after literally centuries of New England frosts and freezes. It’s quite a testament to the workmanship involved.

False Solomon Seal Berries
There were a lot of these bright red berries in the undergrowth. The Three Foragers tell me they are edible, but not palatable. Same could be said for fried liver or pea soup, in my opinion.

The sight of all these cairns in close proximity to one another on part of the blue trail never fails to fascinate. And there’s the added bonus that no one knows what they are or how old they are or who built them or why. Mysteries abound.
You can find out more about Parker Woodlands on the Audubon Society of Rhode Island’s website. As always, click on the image, above, for details about this hike and to download the GPS track.
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