Preservation Way
Posted By auntie on August 2, 2014
2.16 miles, tiverton, ri
finally got a chance to walk the trails behind my brother’s house in tiverton, ri. they’re really nice, and i’m very jealous that they have such a great resource right outside their door. there were tons and tons of mushrooms, too. HUGE ones… dinner plate sized ones. there were lots of boletes and milkcaps and russulas. i wish i knew more about how to identify them, because some varieties of boletes and milkcaps are choice edibles. it would be great to come back with a real mushroom expert.
ugh, this photo came out awful, because the iPhone was set to “auto-HDR,” a setting which, if you’re not patient, results in a terrible two-toned photo. but anyway, i know it is a milkcap, because of this second photo.
see the milky sap coming from the stem?
since this hike is entirely on private property, i have not added it to the hikefinder.
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