Airline Trail & Robbins Preserve

Posted By on April 4, 2015

Airline Trail & Robbins Preserve

4.13 miles; thompson, ct

i guess the providence county hiking club was too optimistic about trail conditions even at this late date, because the originally-scheduled hike was another tri-state trek, but there was waaaay too much snow on the airline trail, so we punted and visited a wyndham land trust property also in thompson. it was a very nice property, but there was still a lot of snow. they’re where we were locally about 2 weeks ago up there as far as trail conditions go, and i apologize for that very convoluted sentence. you get what i mean, though, right?

airline trail conditions

airline trail conditions

this is what the trail conditions looked like on the airline trail, and also for long stretches of the robbins preserve. it was “step-step-posthole-step-step-step-posthole, etc.” the whole distance. my knee did not appreciate it.

turkey tail in the snow

turkey tail in the snow

fungus shot! in the snow, no less.

robbins preserve

robbins preserve

the robbins preserve is owned by the wyndham land trust. it runs along the five mile river in thompson. it consists of several large open areas, and a lot of hemlock, fir, and white pine woods.

open gate at bridge over the five mile river

open gate at bridge over the five mile river

this was a very substantial bridge over the five mile river, and the gate originally faced out from the preserve property. it’s open now.

you can find the airline trail and the robbins preserve in the hikefinderrobbins preserve trailheadtrail map (courtesy wyndham land trust).


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