Rome Point Seal Hike
Posted By auntie on March 25, 2018
2.7 miles; Saunderstown, RI
Compared to last year’s seal hike, this year’s was a big disappointment, particularly because there were no seals in view today. Oh, well. Also, it was very cold and windy. But still a good group of hikers and friends and a nice way to spend the morning.
Despite the cold, these brave little snowdrops were in bloom beside the trail. Which was a very cheerful sight.
There’s a lot of expression, I guess you would call it, on these trails. You know the thing. Decorated Christmas trees, seashells stuck on tree branches, old sawn-off tree limbs painted to look like Trogdor the Burninator. We’ve all been there a million times. Try and show a little originality, people!
It was as cold as it looks in this photo. And yes, I, being an old, will always call it the Jamestown Bridge, even though yes, I know the Jamestown Bridge was torn down like 15 years ago and this bridge is really called the Jamestown-Verrazzano Bridge. Whatevs.
Those little specs are the rocks where the seals usually hang out when the weather is nicer. Actually can’t say I blame them for not being on view today.
You can find out more about the seals from the official Rome Point Seal website, and I encourage you to do so. It’s a great site. You can find out a little something about the Nature Preserve from this RI Parks website, even if they can’t actually spell “Rhode Island.” And as always, click on the map image, above to download my gps track.
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