STL#5—Hopeville Pond SP
Posted By auntie on July 31, 2018
2.56 miles; Griswold, CT
[Ed. Note: I have been EXTREMELY remiss in posting for the past few months. A lot of personal drama. But I have made a vow to post at least once a day until I’m caught up. So watch the dates on these, as there is quite a backlog.]
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Okay, I give up. I may or may not have been on the right path, because I saw no “little waterfall,” anywhere. Or even anything that remotely resembled the example photo. I walked back and forth on the stretch of the Nehantic Trail on the map, and even checked out a crossing trail in both directions… Nothing. Took a photo I thought might be mistaken for being correct and went home.
If you’re confused, this is another Sky’s the Limit hike (see link, below) and the second one of the day. This time I was completely stymied by the instructions from the CT DEEP. Still, it was nice to visit a stretch of the Nehantic Trail I’d never hiked before, and basically almost any day in the woods cannot be a total waste.
This short section of the Nehantic was very nicely maintained with what looks like a new bridge and a well-marked and cleared trail.
Saw some old-ish giant mushrooms, but I have to say that so far this has been a bust of a mushroom season.
And here is the western terminus of the Nehantic, right by the parking lot for the beach.
For more information about Hopedale Pond State Park, see this state of CT website. For details on the 2018 Sky’s the Limit Challenge, see the STL website. As always, click the image above for details about this hike and to download the gps track.
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