Kettle Pond, Kimball, and Vin Gormley Trails

| October 12, 2019

Kettle Pond, Kimball, and Vin Gormley Trails

10.8 miles; Charlestown, RI Totally needed a “mileage” or “eat more food” hike this week, and this one did the trick. You know, you find the weirdest things in the woods. Cannot even fathom why someone would leave their, uh, dress shorts? It was a pretty day to view foliage. Lots of stuff besides trees […]

Hiking in Cornwall, UK—Day 1

| May 16, 2019

Hiking in Cornwall, UK—Day 1

11.2 miles; Cornwall, UK Today was the first day of a 3-day hiking trip along the coast of Cornwall in the UK with my 19-year-old niece. It was HARD. I am totally not used to hiking like this! Deep ravines cut through the high cliffs on the coast, with eroded stairways climbing and descending. But […]

Day 5 27th N-S Trail Trek

| May 4, 2019

Day 5 27th N-S Trail Trek

13 miles; Foster and Burriville, RI, and Killingly, CT Alas, once again I won’t be able to do the last section in two weeks, so today’s hike concluded my version of the 27th Trek. It did include Ginny “Queen of the North South Trail” Leslie’s commemorative post and my favorite view on the whole trail, […]

Day 4, 27th N-S Trail Trek

| April 27, 2019

Day 4, 27th N-S Trail Trek

10.3 miles; Coventry and Foster, RI Not my favorite of all the legs on this trail, but still a lot of fun walking with friends. And it goes through Ginny “Queen of the North South Trail” Leslie’s favorite spot, Rice City.  This entire section is road-walking. Good thing it goes through some of the most […]

Day 1 27th N-S Trail Trek

| March 17, 2019

Day 1 27th N-S Trail Trek

12.1 miles; Charlestown and Richmond, RI I wasn’t sure until almost the last minute whether I’d do this again. I will miss Day 4 and Day 6 this year due to prior commitments. Alas, no completion patch for me this year… This hike was harder than I expected, even with the aggressive neighborhood walking I […]

Warner Trail Section 1

| November 10, 2018

Warner Trail Section 1

10.6 miles; Sharon and Foxboro, MA So if the first two hikes this month were “Easy Walks,” I’d have to say this hike was the opposite. I made plans to hike this 30+ mile trail with some friends, and we had been warned that it was “pretty rough,” but I don’t think any of us was […]